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flashlight switches with environment light
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At night when you are in the camp at Topolia and have a flashlight attached to the gun, and turn it on, the nearby lights in the houses or on the briefing table turns off. {F23377} {F23378}


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Muthe edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 7 2014, 9:30 AM
Muthe edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Muthe set Category to Engine.
Muthe set Reproducibility to Always.
Muthe set Severity to None.
Muthe set Resolution to Open.
Muthe set Legacy ID to 3699712325.May 7 2016, 6:06 PM

can you provide a repro mission? is this a mission you've made or downloaded?

Muthe added a comment.Mar 10 2014, 2:29 PM

This is a Campaign mission. When you are in the camp. Topolia for example.

so please change your ticket category to one of the campaign issues ("Campaign Episode x: "), and update your description to reflect what this issue is for and where...vague descriptions help nobody

I can't see a difference between the two uploaded pictures; both have the same light at the briefing table.

It might be a graphics/monitor setting issue, or it simply overblends the existing light.

@Fireball the pictures are just of his graphics settings, I believe
check the video for the actual bug

Which campaign episode is that?