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Player body (after respawn) disappears after random amount of time by itself
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When player respawns their previous body disappears in hideBody manner after random amount of time. Cause of this is unknown, it seems to be happening at random, happens in 100% cases on full servers (50+ players), rarely (never?) happens on nearly empty server (<10 players), never happens on empty servers (1 player, being host). We failed to understand what event triggers it but it is definitely not a scripted behavior as we don't have hideBody command used anywhere in our mission as well as hideBody never used anywhere in BIS Functions. Body disappears in the same manner as when you leave to the lobby and your active player first dies and then goes underground. No repro mission available, yet bug is easily observable on full server.

Time when bug started to happen is unknown, we first started to notice it 3-4 months ago with introduction of revive feature. It might have been active earlier.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Steps To Reproduce

No repro, only observations.

Additional Information

Video: (body disappears @ 0:40, about 30 seconds after respawn, usually happens in 5-10 seconds on full server, time is always random)

Event Timeline

SaMatra edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 11 2014, 7:39 PM
SaMatra edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
SaMatra set Category to Multiplayer.
SaMatra set Reproducibility to Random.
SaMatra set Severity to Major.
SaMatra set Resolution to No Bug.
SaMatra set Legacy ID to 3579249067.May 7 2016, 5:56 PM

There are 3 parameters in core config ( and their default values )
corpseLimit = 15;
corpseRemovalMinTime = 10;
corpseRemovalMaxTime = 3600;

if <=15 corpses, corpses are removed after 3600s ( each corpse should have its own timeout)
if >15 corpses, the corpses will be removed after 10s, starting from the first corpse

You can edit those parameters by adding them to the Desription.ext

corpseLimit = 1;
corpseRemovalMinTime = 30;
corpseRemovalMaxTime = 120;

Please let me know if this explanation is clear to you , try to repro this issue using these parameters and let me know. Thank you

never mind, didnt read properly

SaMatra added a subscriber: SaMatra.May 7 2016, 5:56 PM

Thank you for the explanation. I was completely unaware about built-in corpse removal feature, now I've googled it and turns out it was only ever mentioned once on BI Forums, probably unknowingly copied from official mission. The only thing that still bothers me is that we've clearly had AI corpses right next to player corpses and none of AI corpses disappear by themselves yet player corpses were gone in few seconds after death. Thank you, I'll try to perform tests with these parameters and let you know if it fixed the problem.

I have a question

if <15 corpses, corpses are removed after 3600s ( each corpse should have its own timeout)
if >15 corpses, the corpses will be removed after 10s, starting from the first corpse

One of the above has to be either <= or >=, which one? Sorry for asking this but, this is not clear at all.

also what happens if corpse limit is 0?

its <=15 corpses are removed after 3600s ( each corpse should have its own timeout). Sorry my bad, Ive corrected my first post.

With corpseLimit = 0 corpses start to disappear after corpseRemovalMinTime

I did tests with following settings in description.ext:

corpseLimit = 1;
corpseRemovalMinTime = 1;

Second corpse always got deleted right away after player control switched to respawned unit. In other words, problem is solved and ticket can be closed. Thanks a lot for the help, this "bug" been bothering us for long time.

resolved, not a bug. Just a clarification of a function + parameters .