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1.06 crashes randomly 1 hr in, multiple reasons
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Game crashes randomly 1 hr in
have tried different settings

2 different crash dumps of different types appended

"arma3.exe-" - "0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789" APPCRASH

"arma3.exe-" - "0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789" BEX

+ new crash
"arma3.exe-" - "0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789" APPCRASH {F22835}


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Managed to consistently reproduce at least 1 crash Type by attempting to access the inventory of the Mohawk helicopter on a multiplayer server.

Additional Information

AMD Radeon 6490M 1 GB

Event Timeline

Vitdom edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Nov 27 2013, 2:26 AM
Vitdom edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Vitdom set Category to Game Crash.
Vitdom set Reproducibility to Random.
Vitdom set Severity to None.
Vitdom set Resolution to Fixed.
Vitdom set Legacy ID to 1407571612.May 7 2016, 5:31 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Loom.Nov 27 2013, 2:26 AM
Vitdom added a subscriber: Vitdom.May 7 2016, 5:31 PM

Attached 1 additional crash dump

Managed to consistently reproduce at least 1 crash type by attempting to access the inventory of the Mohawk helicopter on a multiplayer server.

Loom added a comment.Dec 3 2013, 9:20 PM

Got this physx crash lately in multiplayer games (a 50 people server). Before I could play for hours without a problem, now the game crashes every now and then. The last times I noticed that I was doing nothing special, but just running through the world.

I have an AMD graphics card and so I thought physx is not used. After about the half of the crashes I installed Nvidias Physx driver, but that does not changed anything.

I attached all of the dump files, dxdiag and the windows event log: Arma3_physx_crashes.7z (10 crash reports, 7 dumps)
If you need anything let me now.

Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6970
OS: Windows 7 64 Bit

Do you have these type of crash after last patch? Thank you.

No, 1.08 fixed it. Thank you!

Glad to hear, thank you for info.