Background: Basic military operations, not editor prepared. In some sandbox scenarios as the situation evolves we experiance need of High Command. As we can se in the campaign as well so far. The world is caos when at war.
The next sugestions must be standard in the HC functions.
- The editing of waypoints is the way of High Command warfare. The same options should be poping up when right clicking or CtrL+right mouse clicking.
When I played for example "whole lot of Altis" or "DUWS" scenarios I have no options of mount/dismount unless I add some waypoints and edit them afterwords. To stupid.
And because of this it's not possible to transport A High Command unit unless they drive themselves. If passenger they can't dismount because they never "reach" the waypoint even if they are 1 inch from it.
Same problem occoures when in "normal command" your team is mounted and traveling to a destination. Try dismount them before at destination. They bug all up and won't go back in formation. Just whanna walk slowly under the moon.
If you press use the "done" command, they are all fine again.
- Hold Fire/Open Fire must be possible to add on waypoints.
- "Big panda": When in High Command one of your units are in need of a vehicle. They can't get one; unless you go in editor mode and sync a vehicle to the unit or you assign them under your direct command(remove from HC); put them in a veichle and reassign them to HC.
An operation lead by you: Mech inf. One veichle is disabled. survivors must walk. Sorry guys, see you at base, we just can't sync with you. Stupid.
There is need of a in game sync function.
- Biggest panda: When High Commanding inf squad. They always walk. No ways of transport unlsess: "See 4. above".
So my suggestion: If the sync function where discoverd. There should be as in "normal command" mount vehicle as 1. anywhere 2. driver etc., but in HC 1. for transpor 2. for command(ownership). This could be a part of the sync function.