Alright, i'm loosing it...a spinning background against a static box of text, this is unbelievable...who would think that this is a good idea?
Really, do you even play your own game? i'm so fed up with this, every time you start arma, it succeeds into annoying you with something different, why do you want to drive people crazy?! Lets forget about the shitty textures, the sound, the lighting, the stencil shadows, the action menu, the overall clunkiness...forget about everything...but PLEASE, i at least want to PLAY it! But nooo, not with arma, just start and play? hahahaaaaa!!! Every time i want to play it i find myself fixing some shit, reporting shit here on the tracker, it just crashes, i can't join multiplayer etc etc really always comes up with something new to make it unenjoyable.
I spend more time being angry at the game than acutally playing it (theres actually a rather funny story about a friend of mine, who almost died IRL, because of bug in arma) and now, after i start the first part of a campaign, that should have been released weeks ago and with which you come up in 3 pieces, months later, the very first thing that greets me is this welcome screen with a spinning background that makes it almost unreadable without getting sick.
I play Arma since OPF:CWC, and i've always been patient with all the flaws that this series has. But really, if Arma 4 is gonna be anything like this, you can have it to yourself.
Alright, i'm trying to start the campaign now, wish me luck...
EDIT: TADAAAAAA!!! ARMA DID IT ONCE AGAIN...I couldn't even start the campaign, there is no PLAY button. This is're killing me, whats going on...i can't believe this game, i can't believe it...
EDIT 2: Alright, fully expanding and then double click starts the campaign, while everything else has a play