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Unable to play the 2nd mission.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After my first time played the campaingn mission which I can played to Mike-26 mission,then I quit the game for some reason,then I try to play it again,but it put me to the first mission and I designed to play it all over again but unfortunately when I finished the first mission the game put me back to the main menu.


Legacy ID
Unable To Reproduce
Campaign Episode 1: Survive

Event Timeline

AndyCCY edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Oct 25 2013, 7:47 PM
AndyCCY edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
AndyCCY set Category to Campaign Episode 1: Survive.
AndyCCY set Reproducibility to Unable To Reproduce.
AndyCCY set Severity to None.
AndyCCY set Resolution to Fixed.
AndyCCY set Legacy ID to 2630777902.May 7 2016, 5:14 PM

Hey Andy,

thx for your feedback.

Is your progress in campaign still blocked by this issue?

Your progress is saved into C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Arma 3\Saved or C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Saved. Each in-game profile has it's own progress saved. Could the disappearance of previous saves be caused by using another profile, accidentally cleaning the previous one or not having the "write" permission?

Could you please provide steps you took as detailed as possible? (e.g. clicked "campaigns", opened the tree structure of "The East Wind", doubleclicked it/clicked "Revert/Continue/Replay"...)

"I finished the first mission the game put me back to the main menu."
This is intended behavior when a single mission from campaign is replayed, but should not happen when playing the campaign structure ("continue" or ev. "revert"). Could you have used the "Replay"?

Thank you!

AndyCCY added a subscriber: AndyCCY.May 7 2016, 5:14 PM

Oh I see! I just keep replaying the mission again and again,and I would like to ask if it would be possible for continue the mission by just click on the The East Wind or even Survive,Adapt and Win.

Thank you for your useful information.

oukej added a comment.Nov 11 2013, 1:14 PM

No problem, happy to help. Anyway, you've made a good point.

This should be handled now more intuitive.

Mass closing resolved issues not updated since November.