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Randomize.sqf is not synchronized between clients
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Found under: A3\soft_f\Offroad_01\scripts
Randomize.sqf is not synced in multiplayer or JIP.

Author: pettka


Legacy ID
Additional Information

This could be fixed by using setObjectTextureGlobal instead of setObjectTexture in the script.

Event Timeline

ProGamer edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
ProGamer set Category to Scripting.
ProGamer set Reproducibility to Always.
ProGamer set Severity to None.
ProGamer set Resolution to Fixed.
ProGamer set Legacy ID to 2806928007.May 7 2016, 5:13 PM
pettka added a comment.Dec 2 2013, 5:34 PM

May You, please, provide me with some more information about the issue? I have tested this script on network without any issues, what exactly is wrong and how does it look like?

It may have been fixed and not noted but when playing on multiplayer missions with the Offroad, players who join later on and players who join at the same time would see different coloured vehicles. I assumed this was because of the local nature of the setObjectTexture scripting command.

Edit: I tested it again and it seems to be fixed. But in the script, wouldn't setObjectTextureGlobal be more simple than having a isServer part of the script?

pettka added a comment.Dec 3 2013, 9:16 AM

It might be some issue related to this script being called after setObjectTextureGlobal when You JIP. We are addressing the issue with programmers and it should be probably fixed soon. Thanks a lot for letting us know.

It should be fixed in today's dev branch, could You, please, test it and close the issue if You see fit? Thanks a lot.

Thanks for the fix!