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Helicopter physics, sounds and option to increase flight difficulty.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Flying the helicopters in ARMA III and other series have been great, here are some changes that could be implemented in order to better simulate combat helicopters.


      Sounds - Improve sounds associated with crash sequence.
      Landing - If aircraft has wheels, aircraft should roll to stop. (GIVE BRAKE CONTROL TO PLAYER)
      Physics - Gyroscopic simulation is too basic and blocked.
      Entering/Exiting - character simply moves through aircraft airframe exiting.
      Rotor Blades - when blades impact structures or vegetation, nothing happens.
      Impact points - if aircraft is hit by RPG in the tail of the aircraft, there should be loss of tail rotor thrust.
      Collective inputs - when vertical collective power is applied, helicopter does not react correctly to simulated climb rate.


-If aircraft has wheels, allow for more roll or even require a braking script that requires player to apply brakes after roll-on contact. Typical safe speeds of roll ons are 60kts (100kph) or less.
-Change crash sequence sounds, make more dynamic.
-The simulation for this type of game needs improvement when it comes to helicopter aerodynamic control, improve simulation of helicopters or perhaps include higher difficulty of flight characteristics. (Realism)


Legacy ID
Game Physics
Steps To Reproduce

#1. Anytime helicopter crashes, sounds don't correlate with crash sequence.
#2. Whenever a helicopter lands on an improved surface which has standard oleo landing gear, helicopter either crashes or stops suddenly.
#3. Improve gyroscopic precession of simulated helicopter aircraft.
#4. Entering/Exiting helicopter, no door movement, have doors move on vehicles.

Include or perhaps integrate the imperial system as an 'option' to your American consumers... Much of the U.S. Military uses MPG, KNOTS , YARDS, and FEET.

Additional Information

I am an experienced real life helicopter crew member, pilot and mechanic. These changes will not only improve gameplay but intrigue players to be challenged by flying helicopters in combat situations. What sets this game apart is the realism.

Event Timeline

skytheman edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
skytheman set Category to Game Physics.
skytheman set Reproducibility to Always.
skytheman set Severity to None.
skytheman set Resolution to Duplicate.
skytheman set Legacy ID to 47088968.May 7 2016, 5:04 PM

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