Flying the helicopters in ARMA III and other series have been great, here are some changes that could be implemented in order to better simulate combat helicopters.
Sounds - Improve sounds associated with crash sequence. Landing - If aircraft has wheels, aircraft should roll to stop. (GIVE BRAKE CONTROL TO PLAYER) Physics - Gyroscopic simulation is too basic and blocked. Entering/Exiting - character simply moves through aircraft airframe exiting. Rotor Blades - when blades impact structures or vegetation, nothing happens. Impact points - if aircraft is hit by RPG in the tail of the aircraft, there should be loss of tail rotor thrust. Collective inputs - when vertical collective power is applied, helicopter does not react correctly to simulated climb rate.
-If aircraft has wheels, allow for more roll or even require a braking script that requires player to apply brakes after roll-on contact. Typical safe speeds of roll ons are 60kts (100kph) or less. -Change crash sequence sounds, make more dynamic. -The simulation for this type of game needs improvement when it comes to helicopter aerodynamic control, improve simulation of helicopters or perhaps include higher difficulty of flight characteristics. (Realism)