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missing AT/AA missile after respawn
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After an AT/AA unit respawns it has one AT missile less than it had when it started the mission (the missing AT/AA missile is the one loaded into the launcher).

A possible cause of this is that when the soldier gets his gear after respawn the rearming script first gives the soldier his backpack (filled to max capacity with 2 missiles) then it tries to add the 3rd missile (the one that is normally loaded into the launcher) with the command "soldier addMagazine 'titan_at'". And the addMagazine doesn't add the 3rd missile because it needs to have some space in soldier's backpack (the addmagazine command first adds the item to player uniform/vest/backpack space then this item is automatically loaded into the launcher that is added later with the addWeapon command).

So this case maybe related (consequence of) to the case about addMagazine command bug.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Use a west AT soldier in a mission where you enabled respawn. Should be reproducible with any soldier with a rocket/missile launcher that doesn't have enough space for a rocket/missile in his backpack.

Event Timeline

d3nn16 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 29 2013, 4:52 PM
d3nn16 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
d3nn16 set Category to Inventory.
d3nn16 set Reproducibility to Always.
d3nn16 set Severity to None.
d3nn16 set Resolution to Open.
d3nn16 set Legacy ID to 2094669134.May 7 2016, 5:00 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Sep 29 2013, 4:52 PM