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Can't smoothly control tracked vehicles when using analogue controller
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If you bind analogue axis to car move/move fast/move slow and drive a tracked vehicle, you can't drive very slowly. For example the minimum speed of T-100 is 30 km/h.

I tested this with an analogue knob while driving T-100. I twisted it very slowly and when the tank finally started to move, it kept accelerating until the speed was 30 km/h.

Quickly tested all the tracked vehicles, and all of them have the same problem, especially OPFOR vehicles (the minimum speed of BLUFOR vehicles was lower). For example I'm able to drive less than 5 km/h when using MSE-3 or other wheeled vehicles and an analogue controller.

Turning while stationary has same kind of problems as well.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. bind car forward / left / right to axis
  2. place any tracked vehicle, player as driver
  3. slowly increase the axis until the vehicle starts to move
  4. observe how the tracked vehicle keeps accelerating, or in case of turning observe how fast it rotates.
Additional Information

Being able to drive IFV/MBT very slowly is crusial when using such vehicles properly. For example driving to a hull-down / turret-down is much easier when using very slow speeds (instead of 30 km/h).

Event Timeline

Gekkibi edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 18 2013, 4:42 PM
Gekkibi edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Gekkibi set Category to Controls.
Gekkibi set Reproducibility to Always.
Gekkibi set Severity to None.
Gekkibi set Resolution to Open.
Gekkibi set Legacy ID to 1493561102.May 7 2016, 4:48 PM
Koala added a subscriber: Koala.May 7 2016, 4:48 PM

Tested it today and the problem still exists.

danczer added a subscriber: danczer.May 7 2016, 4:48 PM

I think it is because the acceleration and break are not analog. I noticed the same with wheel+pedal.

I often drive with an xBox 360 controller and can steplessly accelerate forward in all non-tracked vehicles (f.e. driving 3-5 km/h is no problem).