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when AI respawn they're on combat all the time
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i made a little mission with respawn where 2 teams (blufor vs Indep) are battling in a town...

both teams have 4 players which all respawn when killed at the BASE marker...
however the respawn is not in the town itself so your safe when respawning.

what ive noticed when for example 3 dies...(10 secs later)... he respawns and hes on combat mode and is really not wanting to return to formation unless a move command is given (which can be annoying when you need the AI to automatically return to formation or even carry on the with waypoint given previously.

so IMHO the soldier dies and respawns not in danger and has no problems returning to the battlefield ready to engage.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

hmm long list but here goes...

  1. make 2 teams that will fight eachother on the opposite sides of a town of your choice
  2. make all players playable for respawning purposes.
  3. make a cycle waypoint for both teams in the town.
  4. do the neccessary markers for respawn and the description.ext file.
  5. save and export (i think i havent missed anything...)
  6. go to LAN to test your mission
  7. play as group leader
  8. go play and observe when 1 of your soldiers die they are respawned in danger mode and just lay down 80% of the time.
  9. do a move command
  10. soldier will move in danger mode etc etc.
Additional Information

i hope people get the topic im getting at...

on other note.... AI CQB is really good now!!! hence the mission in the first place

Event Timeline

tyl3r99 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 14 2013, 10:29 PM
tyl3r99 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
tyl3r99 set Category to Multiplayer.
tyl3r99 set Reproducibility to Always.
tyl3r99 set Severity to None.
tyl3r99 set Resolution to Open.
tyl3r99 set Legacy ID to 2104689246.May 7 2016, 4:44 PM