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birds and cikadas
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The sound of the birds and cikadas are way to high. and this is not a duplicate of since this is about another problem, buzzing sound. Im talking about The sound of the birds and cikadas are way to high
compared to the voice volume and other sound effect ingame.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

make the sound volume of the birds and cikades more variable depending on how close you are to the area of the sound out come.

Additional Information

third time posting this issue the first one got deleted without and reason or reply, So i made a new post since i didnt understand why my post was deleted since i didnt getting any info. The second post was then also removed but this time i got some information on my E-mail which were nice. and could see it was moved couse it is a duplicate of but in my view this thread is about a buzzing error which my problem is not about. and i have been Searching around the report forum for my issue which i coudent find. but i might have overlook one so if you find a dupplicate of this issue please do inform me about closing the post. then we are not wasting eachothers time.

This was my las post:

Event Timeline

Mika edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 4 2013, 4:43 AM
Mika edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Mika set Category to Sound.
Mika set Reproducibility to Always.
Mika set Severity to None.
Mika set Resolution to Duplicate.
Mika set Legacy ID to 1464183559.May 7 2016, 4:28 PM
MadDogX added a subscriber: MadDogX.May 7 2016, 4:28 PM

The "buzzing error" is about the loudness aswell. If it makes you feel better, I've marked this as a dupe of a ticket that matches your description more closely.

Recreating closed tickets again and again is not appreciated. Please stop doing it.