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Aircraft wheels are broken when using custom runways or paths.
Reviewed, WishlistPublic


In the mission below i created a airport out of pier objects with the intent to build a base for the new vehicles coming. What I discovered was the wheels break the entire aircraft when they go over an incredibly tiny bump. This is incredibly frustrating that it is this sensitive. Aircraft wheels have shocks that should adsorb these insanely small bumps. {F21832} {F21833}


Legacy ID
Game Physics
Steps To Reproduce

Try landing an aircraft with wheels on either mission. Even with a 100% perfectly flat runway, the aircraft acts like it hit a wall and explodes.

Additional Information

The mission called "Custom Runway" Contains a 100% flat runway yet an aircraft still explodes landing on it.

I believe this issue has something to do with aircraft wheels not having shocks like ground vehicles do because ground vehicles can drive up and down the runway for days without exploding like they hit a wall.

Event Timeline

ProGamer edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 1 2013, 10:16 PM
ProGamer edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
ProGamer set Category to Game Physics.
ProGamer set Reproducibility to Always.
ProGamer set Severity to None.
ProGamer set Resolution to Open.
ProGamer set Legacy ID to 2892068942.May 7 2016, 4:26 PM

It appears like aircraft wheels are static at the moment. This could be resolved by making aircraft wheels more like ground vehicle wheels as they should be.