1: Control over crewmembers turning in/out:
In most vehicles, when all members of the crew are turned out, the main turret will be locked forward. Commanding the gunnery while turned out for the commander becomes impossible.
In COMBAT and AWARE mode, AI should -never- turn out unless commanded to.
2: Control over Vehicle engine on/off
AI will turn engine on/off unpredictably. For reconaissance, to force the vehicles engine off you need to tell the driver to leave the vehicle. Realistically, in armored recon, you regularily hunker down, pop the hatches and turn the engine off to listen for enemy engine noise/track noise and gunfire.
An immediate ability to control the AI turning engine on/off
3: Control over selected Weapon: force AI to use weapon player wants.
AI will select the weapon they think is most appropriate to the target, even when it, for reasons of long foresight or other isn't.
One example is that AI will prefer using HE cannon over the MG against all infantry targets, to the point of not firing at all even when the Cannon is out of ammo.
When the player overrides ammo/weapon selection on the currently selected target, the AI should respect the choice until target is destroyed or unselected.
When selecting a Target, the AI should still automatically choose the weapon they think is most appropriate.