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Dedicated Server + Headless Client: HC RPT Error
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This issue has been reported to Dwarden and I've been informed its logged internally - Wanted to log it here so its tracked publicly.

The Headless Client RPT log file will produce the following error (at a rapid rate thus increasing the log file significantlly if the -nologs param isn't used), the following error:

Invalid post effect handle.

This has been occurring for many verions (possibly from the start of HC being able to work with A3).

I've attached '' which contains my DS + HC RPT files, the server and network configuration files, and startup scripts for my DS + HC. {F21469} {F21470}


Legacy ID
Dedicated Server
Steps To Reproduce
  • Start Dedicated Server
  • Start Headless Client (with the Steam Client in 'Online' mode)

Review the Headless Client RPT file for the error which is constantly being written too (at a very rapid rate). The file will increase in size dramatically and consistantly.

Additional Information

loopback=true; is disabled/commented out in the server config file (This doesn't work currently if enabled anyway - Different issue to report)

Workaround (doesn't solve the underlying issue)

if the '-nologs' params is used to start up the HC then the issue (error 'Invalid post effect handle.') isn't present within the HC RPT log.

Event Timeline

LondonLad edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
LondonLad set Category to Dedicated Server.
LondonLad set Reproducibility to Always.
LondonLad set Severity to None.
LondonLad set Resolution to Open.
LondonLad set Legacy ID to 3680501966.May 7 2016, 4:05 PM

This is still occurring in the latest DEV Branch Build

Type: Public Beta
Branch: Development
Version: 0.77.109940

Uploaded a recent HC (Headless Client) RPT file

Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.
Invalid post effect handle.

Same error still in last update ( 31/10 ), if I didn't start HC with -nologs my rpt is hundred of mb with this spammed... Please fix this!

PS this is spammed until I start a mission, when mission start and HC start to work this stops a bit ( always there but not so often like fist )