Sound is extremely important for a realistic feeling and the whole atmosphere of a game.
The sounds really improved from Arma 2, but I'm still not satisfied with them in some cases.
- Engine/driving/vehicle sounds: Need to get louder a lot and need to get more powerful and realistic.
- 20mm/30mm helicopter gatling gun/autocannon: Need some major improvement. Even normal handgun sounds are louder and more impressive.
(additional issue: the muzzle flash of those high caliber cannons is puny and needs an upgrade, too)
- 7,62mm Gatling: Not forceful enough and some kind of wierd sounding. It rather sounds like a small fast machinegun and not a like the 6000 rounds per minute spraying monster it is.
- Reduced volume when inside a vehicle: Really good concept, but the level of reduction is too high. There is a 40mm cannon hammering on your vehicle and you can hardly hear it inside. Applies to every vehicle.
- Ambient war noises: While the sound of your personal gun is really nice and impressive, the ambient war noises are needing a tweak.
Shots fired close to you by other soldiers need to be nearly as loud and forceful as your own fire.
Same case with other sounds like autocannons. A 40mm autocannon fired close to you is less forceful than your own handgun, which is not quite right. So the ambient war noises overall need some improvement and need to get louder and more forceful.
The amount of volume-reduction of distant noises is too high. Gunfire needs to be hearable from a greater distance and the fading of volume needs to be decreased in general.(especially in case of noises that are pretty close, like 10 to 100 meters)
- Whistling of nearby bullets and bullets impacting nearby: Not loud and alarming enough and even better in Arma 2. Whistling of bullets flying and nearby impacts both need a major upgrade.
Thank you and best regards!