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Crash upon killing another player
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I'm the head developer for Zoombies, the DayZ port to ArmA 3.

We use All in ArmA to be able to utilize the old models, textures, and maps. We do have a slight problem though:

On random occasions, the whole server, along with all the clients connected to it, will crash (Arma 3.exe has stopped working). I've talked to kju from AiA's devheaven and he told me to report it here. He told me that crashes can happen when killing someone with a gun without a geometry LOD. I do not understand what that means because I have no experience with editing or creating models for ArmA. I have not edited any models for guns. I have only added 1 custom ArmA 2 unit, but we have seen many crashes occur when killing snipers in gillie suits along with PMC Civs (Survivor). {F21164} {F21165}


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Use All in ArmA and start a mission or server with either bots or people. (Only tested with real players). Use an ArmA 2 unit for all players and an Arma 2 gun. Upon killing the other players, there is a random chance of the whole server crashing along with all the client's.

Additional Information

It is a reoccurring bug that is really tedious. We have lost over 80 people because of it. Please respond ASAP!

Event Timeline

mistad edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 1 2013, 3:06 AM
mistad edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
mistad set Category to Game Crash.
mistad set Reproducibility to Random.
mistad set Severity to None.
mistad set Resolution to Open.
mistad set Legacy ID to 3274956452.May 7 2016, 3:47 PM
mistad added a subscriber: mistad.
mistad added a comment.Aug 1 2013, 3:08 AM

The only files we have included in our MPMission and pbo files are cfg, .sqf, and .fsm.

Our github can be found here:

We need dxdiag and files from this folder for solve your problem. C:\Users\<Name>\AppData\Local\Arma 3\
Can you upload somewhere in winrar package please?
When package will be smaller than 2,097k, so you can attach here. When package will be bigger, please use some free sharing service and post link here. Thank you.

mistad added a comment.Aug 4 2013, 5:34 PM

Sorry for the long wait, I was trying to replicate it 3 times. I uploaded my dxDiag and files.

MadDogX added a subscriber: MadDogX.May 7 2016, 3:47 PM

Mass closing ancient tickets with no activity this year; assume fixed or too trivial etc.

If this issue is still relevant in current dev build, please create a new ticket referencing this one and request for it to be re-opened.