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Make squad leaders unable to command distant units without both having radios
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I noticed that if you don't have a radio you can still send orders to units that are 100+ meters away, just with out the usual radio chatter.

You should make it that you can still issue orders without radios, but units (enter desired meters here) or farther away will not be able to hear and follow them


Legacy ID
Feature Request

Event Timeline

Orez edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 25 2013, 3:27 PM
Orez edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Orez set Category to Feature Request.
Orez set Reproducibility to N/A.
Orez set Severity to None.
Orez set Resolution to Open.
Orez set Legacy ID to 1052835661.May 7 2016, 3:40 PM
F2kSel added a subscriber: F2kSel.May 7 2016, 3:40 PM

Voted yes but I think it needs to be optional.

In real life you can issue a guy with multiple orders as stands now it's very limiting so I think they fudge it by allowing remote orders.

They should stop the remote unit without a radio reporting back and alerting the group. The group should also be unaware of units death unlike how it is now where they know instantly when a unit dies and go into aware mode.

MadDogX added a subscriber: MadDogX.May 7 2016, 3:40 PM

Mass closing ancient tickets with no activity for > 12 months; assume fixed or too trivial.

If this issue is still relevant in current dev build, please re-post.