Currently: setDate [year, month, day, hour, minute]
With this it is not possible to make a accelerationScript that sets the seconds correctly. That why the seconds hand can not work.
The Function shall have seconds and maybe also milliseconds.
Same shall be done for "date".
- Legacy ID
- 2153163512
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- Open
- Reproducibility
- N/A
- Category
- Feature Request
Here is a very simple accelerationscript.
call it with [20, 96] execVM "acceleration.sqf";
_fps = _this select 0;
_acceleration = _this select 1;
_year = date select 0;
_month = date select 1;
_day = date select 2;
_hour = date select 3;
_minute = date select 4;
_second = 0;
while {true} do
_second = _second + (_acceleration/_fps);
while {_second > 59} do
_minute = _minute + 1; _second = _second - 60;
while {_minute > 59} do
_hour = _hour + 1; _minute = _minute - 60;
if (_hour > 23) then
_hour = _hour - 24;
//day, month and year ignored
hintSilent format["%1_%2_%3", _hour, _minute, _second];
setDate[_year, _month, _day, _hour, _minute];
sleep (1/_fps);
Event Timeline
Mass closing ancient tickets with no activity for > 12 months; assume fixed or too trivial.
If this issue is still relevant in current dev build, please re-post.