While on the ground and an AH-99 fires its 20mm into targets there is no sound of them being fired from the helo, or the round exploding on targets.
While in the helo you can hear the sound of the rounds being fired, but no impact echos or sounds.
While on the ground and an AH-99 fires its 20mm into targets there is no sound of them being fired from the helo, or the round exploding on targets.
While in the helo you can hear the sound of the rounds being fired, but no impact echos or sounds.
Also when you are flying the AH-99 and the gunner fires the 20mm the sound only fires once in a burst. It does not continue to play while the cannon is firing. So if he fires 20 rounds, you only hear the first one, the rest is silent when firing. It must be a glitch. When I am in the gunners seat it works fine.
Now in the new version I have noticed that the sound only happens again the first shot from the gunner. Also the sound in the cockpit is very low. I have no idea how loud the sound is inside the AH-99, but I would imagine a 20mm auto-cannon is very loud even inside the "sound proofed" cockpit.
Mass closing ancient tickets with no activity for > 12 months; assume fixed or too trivial.
If this issue is still relevant in current dev build, please re-post.