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Oceans missing important sea life, dolphins!
Reviewed, WishlistPublic


In real life, the area around Stratis and Altis has dolphins. I haven't set this as a feature request as Dolphins are a very big part of the marine life living around Stratis and Altis/Lemnos in real life, something that was forgotten during development or never brought up at all. {F20629}


Legacy ID
Feature Request
Additional Information

Dolphins off the coast of Altis/Lemnos:
The included image is also from the Stratis/Atlis/Lemnos area.

Dolphin behavior: would include jumping on the bow wake of boats only if a dolphin nearby noticed the boat and decided to come over, interaction with divers and swimming around in a pod with other dolphins.

Event Timeline

ProGamer edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 3 2013, 4:39 AM
ProGamer edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
ProGamer set Category to Feature Request.
ProGamer set Reproducibility to N/A.
ProGamer set Severity to None.
ProGamer set Resolution to Open.
ProGamer set Legacy ID to 1537640948.May 7 2016, 3:15 PM

This would help to "liven the up" in a sense since it seems to be pretty dead in the wildlife aspect currently.

Leon added a subscriber: Leon.May 7 2016, 3:15 PM
Leon added a comment.Aug 7 2013, 3:06 PM

Let developers focus on important stuff.

Make a boids module for all the different animals/marine life in game and make them have a density or number slider, also a placement radius so that mission makers can add their own environment instead of just environment enable and disable like it is now.