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Bug's that i have found in arma 3 * will update when possible*
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Bug's that i have found *Will be updated when i find more*
This is a list of the bug's me and my friend's have found so far, Please feel free to add your own to this thread.

Valting over high objects can make you stuck.
Cant loot from creates and vehicals some times.
Can walk when eating or drinking when crouched down in watseland.
After eating or drinking in wasteland you will sometimes get stuck so you will have to "S" befor you could "W".
Vehicle damage is soooo high. Hit a money bag and the car exploded what's that about? The damage for the vehicle is not realistic in any sense.
The is very little vehicle collision that i have seen in this game. Yeah sure you can hit things but its not very realistic (And that pretty much the game right realism?)


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

Ocelot edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jun 30 2013, 10:40 AM
Ocelot edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Ocelot set Category to General.
Ocelot set Reproducibility to Always.
Ocelot set Severity to None.
Ocelot set Resolution to Suspended.
Ocelot set Legacy ID to 2061199009.May 7 2016, 3:10 PM
runekn added a subscriber: runekn.May 7 2016, 3:10 PM

Hi, please make seperate tickets for different issues. Also, don't report Wasteland issues here, since it's a custom mod and the developers can't do anything about it. Contact the wasteland creators for that.
Have a nice day

MadDogX added a subscriber: MadDogX.May 7 2016, 3:10 PM

Please familiarize yourself with the how-to-guide before creating tickets:

  • Search before posting.
  • Create one ticket per issue/request.

In addition, Wasteland-specific issues do not belong on this tracker. They need to be reported to the Wasteland devs.