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Infantry Ordered by Squad AI leader to Engage Distant Enemies
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This occurs sporadically but regularly enough to warrant reporting as an issue, not present in my A2 experience.

Soldiers were ordered by AI squad leader to engage single targets at 700+ m distance, after a while the units responded "cannot comply" and returned to the group but progress to the actual objective is delayed.

This doesn't seem particularly realistic behaviour and causes a loss of focus on the objective (and squad cohesion) in response to an enemy spotted which is not a serious threat. (single man at 700m)

On soft contact decision would be made to attack, defend or bypass/withdraw and leader AI's default (only?) decision seems to be attack all the things.

Didn't notice a problem in A2, but as it seems no consideration given to threat and distance, now in A3 (due to improved spotting distances?) defaulting to engage makes for some daft orders to subordinates.

Of course, AI must deal with any immediate threats before proceeding to waypoints but squads seem too easily distracted now and this behaviour is making mission design more difficult.

I would request a simple check for distance (and perhaps if the spotted enemy knows about AI's group) before ordering any element to engage.


Legacy ID
AI Issues
Steps To Reproduce

Put two BLUFOR groups in visual contact but over 800m away from each other (e.g. on ridges) each with their own set of nearby enemies to worry about.
Group leaders will at times order men to not only target but actually engage enemies on the other ridge.

More details of the actual mission:
Send an infantry platoon in vehicles from Airbase E along the road through Agia
Marina & firing range, towards the eventual objective at Camp Rogain.
They will encounter some enemies patrolling in the woods at 042058.
At the same time airlift three squads in ghosthawks the N flank of the hill with comms station (035051), where a couple of enemy squads defend the summit.
You can sometimes observe the behaviour when playing as team member in either the mounted platoon or in the air assault group:
Group leader can order a squad member to engage an enemy on the other ridge, 700-800 m away.

Additional Information

Screenshot attached
n.b. order for 4,7 to engage man - 700 m - south (and there are even closer enemies)

Event Timeline

Asham1-1 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jun 29 2013, 5:44 PM
Asham1-1 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Asham1-1 set Category to AI Issues.
Asham1-1 set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
Asham1-1 set Severity to None.
Asham1-1 set Resolution to Open.
Asham1-1 set Legacy ID to 310780033.May 7 2016, 3:08 PM
MadDogX added a subscriber: MadDogX.May 7 2016, 3:08 PM

Mass closing ancient tickets with no activity for > 12 months; assume fixed or too trivial.

If this issue is still relevant in current dev build, please re-post.