Some objects (mostly weapon projectiles) don't react as they should to setVelocity, setVectorDirAndUp etc.
For example the M_Mo_82mm_AT.
Some objects (mostly weapon projectiles) don't react as they should to setVelocity, setVectorDirAndUp etc.
For example the M_Mo_82mm_AT.
Create a script like this.
_projectile = "M_Mo_82mm_AT" createVehicle [(getPos player) select 0,(getPos player) select 1,((getPos player) select 2) + 100];
_projectile setVelocity[0,0,0]; weird result
_projectile setVectorDirAndUp [[1, 0.5, 1],[0, 1, 0.5]]; no effect
I want to create explosions(with visible dropping projectiles) without using artillery (because I don't have a place to put the artillery units).
to see if setVectorDirAndUp has an effect, add the following:
_projectile enableSimulation false;
this is still happening, can't get setvectordirandup to work on a created backpack dev or stable.
Please refer to this tutorial on how to correctly use setvectordirandup
Mass closing ancient tickets with no activity for > 12 months; assume fixed or too trivial.
If this issue is still relevant in current dev build, please re-post.