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BLACKFOOT and GHOSTHAWK Grey Ghost Camouflage schemes SUGGESTION.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I have noticed a WW-1 esque camo in this dev build of the beta for the Ghosthawk. It looks neat, but there is a reason why this kind of splinter razzle-dazzle type camo hasn´t been used for a while. It needs to be very high contrast to work, and the weapon of aircraft is low contrast against uniform backgrounds.

During the Iraq War, the US Army flew one squadron of AH-64s using a grey-coloured "Ghost" camo pattern, similar to the pale grey of USN Seahawks and USMC Cobras. This pattern was chosen because the aircraft needed masking against ground observation, and to blend in with the sky, they used gray camo.

Because there are air threats in this 2035 scenario, A combined dark top + pale sides and underbelly scheme would be sensible for Blufor. The Redfor camo is in line with opfor doctrine anyways, and looks great as it is. {F20389} {F20390}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Photograph of one of the US Army Apaches with the grey camo. I will produce a prototype suggestion and upload it here.

Event Timeline

InstaGoat edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
InstaGoat set Category to Visual-Vehicles.
InstaGoat set Reproducibility to Always.
InstaGoat set Severity to None.
InstaGoat set Resolution to Open.
InstaGoat set Legacy ID to 3530149891.May 7 2016, 3:01 PM
MadDogX added a subscriber: MadDogX.May 7 2016, 3:01 PM

Mass closing ancient tickets with no activity for > 12 months; assume fixed or too trivial.

If this issue is still relevant in current dev build, please re-post.