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armed civilians in independent faction
New, WishlistPublic


was hoping BIS implemented civilians to the independent faction whether they are armed or not (we can simply use the equipment tab bis are working on)

this way it is a lot faster and easier to choose who civilians want to shoot.


Legacy ID
Feature Request
Steps To Reproduce

go to editor
place independent civilian
go to intel
set friendly to no one
place blufor and opfor unit
civilians shoot both parties ;)

real repro not available of course

Event Timeline

tyl3r99 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jun 25 2013, 12:50 PM
tyl3r99 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
tyl3r99 set Category to Feature Request.
tyl3r99 set Reproducibility to N/A.
tyl3r99 set Severity to None.
tyl3r99 set Resolution to Open.
tyl3r99 set Legacy ID to 1243692902.May 7 2016, 2:53 PM
10Dozen added a subscriber: 10Dozen.May 7 2016, 2:53 PM

But now (1.22) civilians does shoot BLUFOR and OPFOR, when RESISTANCE is set to Friendly to noone.

And this is not cool, because it's easy to spawn civilian unit in RESISTANCE group, but it's not easy to make civilian side(important for detectors) unit with gun, which would be neutral to everyone and won't be sharing 'knowAbout' info with any other side.

Civilians should be absolutley neutral faction, for shooting there are resistance side.