There are several reports on this kind of thing, but this behaviour is different to any logged issues I've found so far.
One main issue and a supplementary one that appear to be all linked. However, I've broken it into three easy-to-follow parts, each with its own video:
- With NLAW equipped and using binoculars in standing position, when you put the binoculars away you switch back to the NLAW for a moment then it automatically switches back to your primary weapon. (Similar issues have been reported re weapon switching)
- With NLAW equipped and using binoculars in crouched position, the binoculars are brought up to your face then the soldier's hands move back to the NLAW taking the binoculars with them. i.e. The binoculars are inside the NLAW and you effectively cannot use them in your current stance.
- With NLAW equipped and using binoculars in crouched position, when the bug in (2) occurs change stance into standing position. Several odd animation behaviours occur, including missing binoculars. The correct binocular view appears, but when you crouch again more odd animation behaviours occur and you go back to the problem as described in (2). Put away the binoculars and you replicate the problem as described in (1).