this is an idea which i think will be very good for the gaming community
Im a seasoned arma player. Lately Ive been having a good time playing CTI - Capture the island - with noobs in my squad ie people ive never played with before, who keep asking me "where to buy the sniper rifles"
but then we start trying to play together, and trying to win, and they follow my move orders and attack orders etc because they can see the MOVE arrow - its still too small please make it bigger its not gamey it just substitutes for certain IRL things - and they can see the red attack indicator, so attacking is fine
but defending is not so good because there is no VISUAL INDICATOR FOR THE POSITION I HAVE ORDERED THEM TO OBSERVE, and noobs dont know what bearing is or any of that. if you tell them to watch 300m bearing 15 they start going on about sniper rifles again. so basically they now dont know where to watch, which makes our defense not so effective
I just think that adding this indicator will be a good thing for helping noobs get into the game, which i think we all want, plus it helps in a way that makes noobs more useful to the team, which the experienced guys will also appreciate