ARMA3Alpha Helicopter Showcase.
1920x1080, ULTRA setting,
Single GTX780 Superclocked, factory default (940 Base -> 1157MHz max. Boost).
FPS typically ~ 25 when over land, 50Hz when over sea. MAXIMUM GPU Core activity ONLY 54% !!!!
CPU Activity:Only ONE CPU core ~ 90%, Other 3 cores LESS THAN 25% as viewed in Task Manager/Resource Monitor. (Engine also does not appear to make any use of hyperthreading, alternate cores in the 8-core display were near-dormant.)
Comparison test with ARMA2OA V1.62 Helicopter and VTOL Boot camp scenarios:-
ALL graphics MAXED manually in Advanced Settings. 1920x1080, FPS 70-90 over land. GPU Core activity between 65% and 90%.
A2OA CPU Activity: TWO cores ~ 90%, other two ~ 20%.
Single GTX780 Superclocked, Core i7-2600K @ 4.6GHz, Win7-64, nV driver 320.18, 16GB ram, Precision X on-screen display, FPS, GPU Clock, GPU % Core activity.
Win7 Task Manager/Resource Monitor running --- Alt-TAB for CPU results.