I would like to be able to abort or avoid the auto reloading procedure of my avatar when I emptied my weapon and try to pick up fitting magazines with the right-mouse button action on the desired magazine.
If you leave your (f.e.: secondary) weapons empty (as I do it myself very often) and try to picking up ammo you will face some problems:
- The character will automaticly reload the weapon, maybe with an unwanted type of ammo (grenades for example)
That one is time consuming.
- While the reloading procedure is running: you are not able to pick up any additional magazines or other items and have to wait till the animation is done
That one is the hurting one.
[3.] If you are prone: you are not able move except of turning around
Thats also not nice, but it not directly an bug/error but game mechanics of the reload procedure while prone.
Only with actions where where the magazine is directly put to the magazine slot of a weapon. So with the right mouse button OR the direct drag to the magazine slot.
No Occurence:
No occurence by dragging the magazine from one to another inventory space/container.
Irrelevant fact:
It does not matter if the container is external or the own inventory.
Easy solution:
Adding magazines with right mouse button action to the inventory and not the the magazine slot.
Related to the more general problem of aborting actions:
Additional bugs:
- extremly shortened reloading procedure while prone:
- Automaticly standing up after reloading the handgun(triggered by adding a magazine): {F19724} {F19725}