So I have noticed that the sniper/spotter teams are not very well done. I would love to see some more scripting done if they incorporate a "group" that is a sniper spotter team. For this purpose, the sniper and spotter could make, range estimation cards of areas they are in (although if you can easily hit the enter button and it gives you a range to your marker which is unrealistic). Spotters should be calling wind changes in areas. If you are wanting to make an accurate shot, you need the wind in areas.
The biggest thing that would be great to see would be the spotter calling your shots. When you fire he can watch the vapor trails from you round and call your hits or misses. If you miss low right, he should tell you for your follow-up shot.
Just a thought I had that would make utilizing sniper/spotter teams more fun and realistic. I know there are WAY too many requests to all be filled, I just thought I would throw it out there.
Anyone else have some suggestions?