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Sometimes switching fire mode is almost impossible / cannot select grenade launcher
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Occasionally switching the fire mode of a weapon like the MX 3GL can only be done by pressing the "switch fire mode" key repeatedly and fast, 2-3 times or even more often. However one can only switch between semi automatic and full auto. The GL fire mode would disappear in that case.

Other weapons behave similar if they have at least two fire modes, including the Katiba and TRG variants.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

I found no way to reproduce this issue, it seems to occur randomly. So far I noticed it only in MP games.

Event Timeline

pops edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)May 28 2013, 5:41 PM
pops edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
pops set Category to Controls.
pops set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
pops set Severity to None.
pops set Resolution to Fixed.
pops set Legacy ID to 2291895700.May 7 2016, 2:19 PM
pops added a subscriber: pops.
pops added a comment.May 29 2013, 5:51 PM

This ticket can be closed, I resolved the issue. It had to do with how I had my controls set up. "Next weapon" and "Switch gun / launcher" should not be bound to the same key.

MadDogX added a subscriber: MadDogX.May 7 2016, 2:19 PM

Closing as fixed.