using this function in the init.sqf file
west setFriend [civilian, 0];
Make west players can't take weapons on ground.
and east setFriend [civilian, 0];, make east players can't take weapons on ground.
using this function in the init.sqf file
west setFriend [civilian, 0];
Make west players can't take weapons on ground.
and east setFriend [civilian, 0];, make east players can't take weapons on ground.
create a west player in a mission.
create a init file with west setFriend [civilian, 0];
preview your mission.
drop your weapon.
try to reload it from ground.
you'll never see action to do it.
I'm encountering the same problem when I use
Civilian setFriend [Civilian, 0];
To create Deathmatch missions.
This makes it impossible for the civilians to pick up anything from boxes (they don't show up in the action menu and there is no icon for the box).
Other Parties are unaffected.
Mass closing ancient tickets with no activity for > 12 months; assume fixed or too trivial.
If this issue is still relevant in current dev build, please re-post.