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Real-time coding environment
Reviewed, NormalPublic


I'm suggesting this, as another game has this implemented. Garry's Mod has recently implemented a code change which monitors the directory of code, and if there is a change, it reloads the code without having to reload the map; even if you make a syntax error ( Unless it's in a render hook, then you'll need to reconnect to your dev server ).

If you edit a client side file, client side code is refreshed.
If you edit a server side file, server side code is refreshed.
If you edit a shared file, both client and server code is refreshed.

There are hooks so that certain code only executes once ( Initialize, InitPostEntity, etc ), and then you can have normal scripts which are non-hook-driven and always reloaded dependent of the above circumstances.

What are the benefits?
You can have the game open on one screen, code open on another, and literally code in real-time and track changes while never reloading the map. I have code set up so that vehicle tables can be rebuilt with new lighting information, light patterns, colors all on the fly by tapping CTRL+S in the code window.

This can help new developers learn by allowing them direct feedback when they update their code instead of having to exit game-play, then reload albeit pretty fast as it is.

Edit & Save > Auto Refreshed > Error > Edit & Save > Auto Refreshed > Good

I'd say this is low priority as of right now, but would definitely be an incredible addition to the Arma series.


Legacy ID
Feature Request
Additional Information


Examples given:

Simple shared code file which calls either GameModeLoaded hook, or GameModeRefreshed. Server and client can individually process those, or they can be processed together.

Not much to see here. This is me testing a simple sprite drawing system, and when I edit the file it resets the fire sprites.

Showing off custom light pattern system:

While testing code make weapon bullets fire from the muzzle instead of the eyes

Event Timeline

Acecool edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 24 2013, 11:51 PM
Acecool edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Acecool set Category to Feature Request.
Acecool set Reproducibility to N/A.
Acecool set Severity to Feature.
Acecool set Resolution to Open.
Acecool set Legacy ID to 233577858.May 7 2016, 1:50 PM

This suggest was processed by our team and will be looked into. We thank you for your feedback.

dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.Sep 13 2017, 1:08 PM

filePatching. And you can reload your script functions via scripts. It is not live. But you can do it by pressing one button.