The uniform of blufor(ARMA3), which is Multicam, is over brighten and over yellowish in Arma3 .
Even in close range,let's consume 3-5meters, you can't even see the texture of the multicam(MTP), all you see would be "YELLOW" uniform.Even from far away, something like 200meters or 1000meters, Blufor soldiers will be display as a Yellowish human shape and extremly easy to spot.(not even damn close to the background enviorment!)
[ARMA3里蓝军的服装,也就是Multicam,过亮并且过黄,哪怕就是在3-5米的距离你已经无法看清Multicam上的纹理,反而只是一片简单单调的沙黄色纹理. 就算把蓝方士兵放在200米甚至是1000米远的地方,都会展现成一种非常显眼的"黄色人型".]
Compare to the uniform of Opfor, the hex texture blend in to the enviorment greatly, both shadow and open-exposed enviorment.
Multicam is pretty bright in exposed enviorment, true, but not as bright as "sun"!
BI,Please reproduce or tweak the texture of MTP(Multicam)!
Make it more greenish and brownish.
[波何米亚工作室,请您尝试去重新制作或者修改 Multicam的纹理!]