Basically this suggestion is for a number of changes that will make for more consistent control of your character throughout all of the different stances.
Updated June 18th!
- Leaning left and right while prone:
Adjusting left and right while prone has been added but is very extreme and you also can't aim down your sights while doing it. I would still really like to see leaning left and right while prone since Q and E currently do nothing.
- Symmetrical lowest stance:
I think the lowest stance should simply make your character push himself down toward the ground instead of rolling over in some direction simply because it not being symmetrical when the player doesn't input a direction and has no choice of direction is a bit awkward really.
- -- ALREADY IMPLEMENTED -- Moving in adjusted stances.
- Adjusting left and right in all height stances:
Right now adjusting left and right is only possible in two stances: the default standing and default crouching. Most naturally this should be possible in all stances and at the very least in all standing and crouching stances for consistency.
- Merging the sitting stance with the sitting command:
Right now one stance sticks out from the other stances: the one between crouching and prone. You sit. While in this position you can't move unlike all other stances. It just so happens to be that there is also a command for sitting down but using that command you simply sit down without being able to shoot. So clearly we have two sitting stances, one with a weapon and one without that are on two entirely different commands. I think they should merge. The sitting stance should be taken out of adjusting so it can't be adjusted to and instead moved to the sitting command. In the sitting command you should be able to raise and lower your weapon just like in the standing stance and when your weapon is deployed you should go into the same stance as is possible by adjusting today and by lowering your weapon using the lower weapon command you should go into the stance that is on the sit command today, all consistent.
*Note:* a "high prone" sort of push-up stance has been suggested as a replacement for the sitting stance, if anything should replace it.
These changes together would make movement a lot more consistent across stances and also move away one or two stances that currently are out of place -- sit and prone down -- from adjusting and put them at the command they belong in and either change or cut them respectively.