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MK18 ABR magazine is thin , missing hiddenselections and the animation isn't working properly
Assigned, LowPublic


While playing i noticed on the Mk18 ABR the magazine (blue part) looks thin compared to the real m14 magazine or even with DMR/M14 model from arma2 co

Hiddenselections are missing and the reload animation isn't properly working

newly added Mk14 weapon got the proper animation


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Check the ABR model from the 1st person view and you will notice that magazine

Try to reload the Mk18 ABR - observe the animation isn't properly synced + it is not a proper animation for that weapon - Mk14 weapon got the proper animation

Event Timeline

RobertHammer edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
RobertHammer set Category to Visual-Weapons.
RobertHammer set Reproducibility to Always.
RobertHammer set Severity to Tweak.
RobertHammer set Resolution to Open.
RobertHammer set Legacy ID to 3834245281.May 7 2016, 1:29 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Apr 7 2013, 12:10 PM

No one else noticed this?

This issue was processed by our team and will be looked into. We thank you for your feedback.

Please keep the issue monitored to see when it is fixed.

a0jc added a subscriber: a0jc.May 7 2016, 1:29 PM
a0jc added a comment.Nov 26 2013, 11:33 AM

I notice it and I own a M14. I posted a picture of what it would look like with mine as a sample. Also, you'll notice there is a hole in the receiver, not the stock. That hole is used for some, if not most, scope mounts. I know because I have one that screws into that hole and slots into the stripper clip guide.

The reload animation could use some love too. The magazine isn't even synced up with the hands.

Would be nice to have the EBR all fixed up and get the hiddenSelections working.

Bolt catch been added at some point , which i was surprised by it

Still the magazine is thin , hiddenSelections are missing and the reload animation isn't properly done - newly added Mk14 has the proper animation