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Opening gear of dead bodies needs tweaking
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently when you try to open the gear of a dead soldier you often only open the primary rifle next to the body instead of the gear of the soldier, because the primary is laying next to the body. You now really have to precisely aim and be very close (on top) of the body to open the gear. Otherwise you will only see the primary in the gear menu while you wanted the gear of the soldier.

My suggestion would be to not have the primary weapon exist as a separate gear menu that you can open if it belongs to a dead body next to it.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Kill some AI and try to open their gear. Specially in crouched and prone you will often get the gear menu of the primary weapon instead of the soldier.

Event Timeline

B00tsy edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 5 2013, 7:47 PM
B00tsy edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
B00tsy set Category to Inventory.
B00tsy set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
B00tsy set Severity to Minor.
B00tsy set Resolution to Open.
B00tsy set Legacy ID to 3615356948.May 7 2016, 1:27 PM
B00tsy added a subscriber: B00tsy.

This issue remains, It is almost impossible to open the gear of a dead soldier when you are in prone position, you always will get in the gear menu just the rifle of the dead AI instead of his gear. Only when going crouched and stand above (on top) of the AI you can open his gear.

MadDogX added a subscriber: MadDogX.May 7 2016, 1:27 PM

Mass closing ancient tickets with no activity for > 12 months; assume fixed or too trivial.

If this issue is still relevant in current dev build, please re-post.