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Mouse option : Inverting Y-axis in Helicopters/Airplanes only
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I find it absolutely incredible you guys haven't bothered to implement a seperate 'Invert Y-axis' option for helicopters only.

Why the HELL do I have to report this??? Isn't it freaking logical that you don't force players to invert EVERYTHING but rather just have them select it for vehicles only?

Right now if I want to fly a helicopter I have to get in the damned thing, hit escape, go to options, invert the mouse's y-axis and continue playing.

Whenever my chopper gets blown up or I exit the vehicle I have to hit escape go back to the damned options, put the y-mouse back to normal to continue playing, by which time you are usually dead.

Top notch thinking Bohemia, really, even for an alpha this is pathetic.


Legacy ID

Event Timeline

Kurywusaki edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Kurywusaki set Category to Controls.
Kurywusaki set Reproducibility to Always.
Kurywusaki set Severity to Major.
Kurywusaki set Resolution to Duplicate.
Kurywusaki set Legacy ID to 2803785071.May 7 2016, 1:24 PM

You can do that by reassigning mouse axis to the related controls.

/Downvoted because issue not present

MadDogX added a subscriber: MadDogX.May 7 2016, 1:24 PM

There is already a request for this exact feature.

Please search before posting.