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Wrong Ammunition marksman
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Bluefor marksman is allocated incorrect ammunition in the editor. {F18626}


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Start Editor
Choose Stratis
Insert Bluefor Marksman as player
Click preview button

Note ammo is empty
press 'I' to enter inventory
note incorrect 7.62mm ammo

Additional Information

I am using Arma 3 Alpha
I have dev branch enabled in steam
My version is

Event Timeline

magoozle edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 2 2013, 10:48 PM
magoozle edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
magoozle set Category to Inventory.
magoozle set Reproducibility to Always.
magoozle set Severity to Tweak.
magoozle set Resolution to Fixed.
magoozle set Legacy ID to 1357690159.May 7 2016, 1:23 PM

I am also using the same development build (v0.53.103608) and I can confirm that this is an issue with the current dev build.

More specifically, the previous situation was that the same twenty-round magazine chambered in 7.62 x 45 mm (nice touch, I actually would want this back) was used in both the EBR; however, as of this dev build there is only a single twenty-round magazine chambered in 7.62 x 51 mm (I actually preferred the "not-so-cliche" 7.62 x 45 mm choice) but which is ONLY compatible with the EBR, while the MXM has been rechambered for 6.5 mm STANAG caseless and therefore those magazines are now compatible with all of the MX series weapons.

If this "rechambering" is indeed correct and intentional by the devs, then the problem appears to be that the BLUFOR Marksman's default loadout has not been corrected to replace the 7.62 mm magazines with the 6.5 mm STANAG caseless magazines.

EDIT: The submitted file is visual proof of this issue being reproduced, as well as the same file used as visual proof of the issue described in ticket # 0006682 (MXM suppressor compatibility was not updated).

EDIT: As of build v0.53.103696 this issue has not yet been corrected.

Issue still present as of 0.53.103721

Issue corrected as of build v0.53.103754

As of build v0.53.103754 the BLUFOR Marksman spawns in with the loaded magazine and six (6) spare 6.5 mm 30Rnd STANAG magazines, for a total of two-hundred-ten (210) rounds of rifle ammunition, in the default loadout.

Thanks for the feedback.

Mass close.