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Free falling damage
Closed, ResolvedPublic


@ 3,000 meters -

Fall in a vehicle, vehicle will SOMETIMES disappear when it collides with the ground, sometimes it will not and show proper damage (sometimes a corner of the vehicle is partially in the ground which is a sweet effect showing it sinks in the ground... really it should pulverize the vehicle, but whatever).

You survive and so does everyone in your vehicle. You can eject once the vehicle as hit the ground.

This applies to all 4-wheel vehicles (including the quad) not to boats, you die in those.

Why you'd ever practically want to fall from thousands of feet in a boat or vehicle I don't know... but you can't die in the trucks anyways.


Legacy ID
Additional Information

Vehicles do not go into a tumble when they free fall. I have seen it where an off-road tilted nose up and a Hunter tilted nose down slightly and they moved forward gently, but that's the extent to the free-fall vehicle physics I've seen.

Most often there's a large water splash when they impact

AND I've seen boats and trucks bounce tremendously high after they've initially hit the ground.

Event Timeline

L33CHW33D edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
L33CHW33D set Category to Gameplay.
L33CHW33D set Reproducibility to Always.
L33CHW33D set Severity to Major.
L33CHW33D set Resolution to Fixed.
L33CHW33D set Legacy ID to 243296291.May 7 2016, 1:20 PM

Mass close.