Hello i bought ArmA 2 Combined Operations on steam and when i got it i started playing the campaign and their was a bit of lag on the, normal graphics settings so then i went into my ArmA2.cfg file and changed the values to make it less lag... I did that and it fixed some of the lag on the campaign/singleplayer mode BUT when i played multiplayer- Wasteland i started to lag on all the servers i went on that had people on it( theirs more lag when their are more people on the server)also i receive more lag on lag on bigger maps.
I still until now have not gotten a decent framerate of 20+ on most of the servers i go on which are on multiplayer (the lag also occurs on the DayZ mod). When i play on Singleplayer my FPS is nice and smooth.
Many people are experiencing this, and i was wondering if this problem is still occurring on ArmA 3. If its fixed i'l defiantly buy it.
•My internet speed is 15-20 Mb/s.
•I overclock my CPU speed from 1.6 Ghz to 2.4 Ghz when i play.