This is more of a wtf complaint, i know... sorry for moaning about it and I will probably get a load of flak for it, but it is the only thing on the changelog to bug me, and i am sure i am not the only one...
Really? Did someone complain they have to wait too long (a very forgiving 2min) to respawn? They should be so lucky as to respawn in combat, this, THIS here is what is going to break the ArmA experience, giving in to things like this is going to turn our beloved ArmA series into action rambo's al'la Call of Duty clone. example, Take stupid risks, play fast and furious, die stupidly brave and respawn in a few seconds, rinse and repeat till you get it right, or till the enemies ammunition runs out.
Personally, I would say NO RESPAWNS, but given this is related to co-op, and one would really like to play with he's/her friends, even after dying, respawn is understanding, and forgiving, but 30seconds? Even the original 2min was too short. should start by 5min.
Players should be learning to not die in combat, period. and allowing them to respawn after such short periods of time, just really doesnt help the mindset of what ArmA is about.
as for single player (not sure if this should be a seperate ticket now), respawning on checkpoints also real imersion killer, there should be none. Die and you have to restart mission. just my opinion. So checkpoints only useful for saving game state if you can't finish the mission due to personal responsibilities that come up.
however all that said, this all could probably change and applied differently based on game difficulty, so easier difficulties for the babies can have shorter respawn times, maybe respawn on checkpoints in solo game. Just reserve the Veteran and Elite dificulty for true ArmA fans. Thats all i ask.