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Recon(Sniper) Class anyone?
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Just thought i would give you guys/ladies at Bohemia Interactive and anyone else playing Arma 3 and idea,Maybe you could add like a recon class with a ghillie suit on the char.


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FreedomFighter edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
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FreedomFighter set Legacy ID to 2342863571.May 7 2016, 12:59 PM
pops added a subscriber: pops.May 7 2016, 12:59 PM
pops added a comment.Mar 22 2013, 3:25 PM

Maybe I'm not getting your point, but have you seen this yet:

@pops, In your video @1:26 the sniper class. Is there already one out or no? Cause if not then i was wondering if you could add a recon class into the game.It would make things alot more realistic and maybe add more weapons? Such as a .50 cal machine gun or a barret,.50calsniper,dmr,sniper,,fal,M-16a2/a4,ect.

pops added a comment.Mar 22 2013, 3:46 PM

Ghillie suits are not yet included in the game just like many other things are yet to be released. As for the specific weapons, it's not clear but since the theme is the near future, we'll probably only see equivalents of the ones you mentioned.

The rest is up to the modders.

Sniper rifles and ghillie suits are already confirmed and will be included in the final game, at the very latest.