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Chat/Radio message window lower line partially obscured by command bar when group is in vehicle
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When a group is in a vehicle, the command bar gets an additional icon on top of the units that are in a vehicle, which is great. However, the lower (focused) line of the radio/cat message window is partially on top/touching the icons, making the text hard to read. It would be better to move the radio/chat message window one line up.


Legacy ID
Ingame UI
Steps To Reproduce
  • Order your group to enter a vehicle
  • Radio Tilde -> 5 -> 5 (report position)
  • Observe how the reported position is partially obscured by the vehicle icons atop the command bar.
Additional Information

Haven't tried it in different user interface sizes yet

Event Timeline

Alwarren edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 22 2013, 3:36 AM
Alwarren edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Alwarren set Category to Ingame UI.
Alwarren set Reproducibility to Always.
Alwarren set Severity to Minor.
Alwarren set Resolution to Open.
Alwarren set Legacy ID to 3041675948.May 7 2016, 12:59 PM

Mass closing ancient tickets with no activity for > 12 months; assume fixed or too trivial.

If this issue is still relevant in current dev build, please re-post.