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[ISSUE TRACKER ERROR] Application Error #401 when Downvoting issues (fixes by refreshing the page)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When downvoting an issue that has never been voted for before, you get the error:

Database query failed. Error received from database was #1048: Column 'upvote' cannot be null for the query: UPDATE mantis_bug_votes_table
SET upvote = ?, downvote = ?
WHERE bug_id = ?


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Open a newly logged issue that has no votes.
  2. Vote for it.
Additional Information

Tried on Google Chrome and Firefox 19.0.2

Event Timeline

Kid18120 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 20 2013, 3:18 PM
Kid18120 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Kid18120 set Category to Other.
Kid18120 set Reproducibility to Always.
Kid18120 set Severity to Minor.
Kid18120 set Resolution to Fixed.
Kid18120 set Legacy ID to 1248813131.May 7 2016, 12:55 PM

Also just happened with upvote !

The 000148 in the error message is the ISSUE ID NUMBER, which ofcourse changes with every different issue you reproduce this error with

Is this still happening?

Didn't happen in 2 days!

Was there any server-side fix or maybe just a temporary client-side (me) problem ? (just to know for the next time if it will ever happen again :) )

It seems to have moved on to bugging me, it happened three times today.

That's wierd :-\
Welcome in the club then ^^

I've worked out why this is happening. Or rather when. It happens the first time you try to vote for an issue. Doesn't matter if you vote up or down, as long as you're the first person to do it. Any subsequent votes (even yours) go through fine.

Good find, just tried and that's exactly the way to reproduce it !!

Mass close.