I'm sure many have tried out different addons that let's you access the helmet with a camo net with grass in it. Currently, the quality of the net is simply atrocious. Yes, I know it's an Alpha. What I would like to suggest is one visual thing, and one scripting thing.
Visual: Scrap the current "vehicle" net on it. Instead, use a finer mesh, more old school helmet net, i.e. one that is just a net, not designed to break up the contours of vehicles and such. Put more grass in it, make it look better, cover most of the helmet. This will make it look more like a properly camouflaged helmet.
Scripting: Make it somewhat harder for the AI to detect you if you wear this helmet. IRL it would be harder to spot someone who wears a properly camouflaged helmet than someone who isn't, since the contours wouldn't be visible on the first helmet.
Maybe add some other small things, like a vest with some grass stuck on to the shoulders, etc., anything to camouflage a bit more and break up the contour.