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Game Crashes to Desktop 100% since recently
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The game start crashing every time while in MP game (since couple of days now). When mission is loaded and actually in the game - after while a game freezes for couple of seconds once or several times (similar to 'not responding'). When it gets to normal but not for long - later it crashes with the 'Game stopped working' message.

FileDump files are here: {F18202}


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

Can't tell where exactly it occurs or why. But it happened 100% 4 last plays.

Event Timeline

Bozon edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 17 2013, 9:01 PM
Bozon edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Bozon set Category to Game Crash.
Bozon set Reproducibility to Always.
Bozon set Severity to Crash.
Bozon set Resolution to Open.
Bozon set Legacy ID to 3343265833.May 7 2016, 12:49 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: Bozon.Mar 17 2013, 9:01 PM

Can you please attach bidmp and midmp files and rtp files? Thank you.
Which mod did you play?

Bozon added a comment.Mar 18 2013, 6:23 PM


No extra mods were installed. I did get couple of "freezes" and black screens today. Played 'Whole Lotta Stratis' MP missions and I noticed, as long as I didn't trigger inventory/dialogs stuff I could play as long as it goes...

Can try reproduce this issue in Escape from Stratis or Headhunters? Thank you.

Mass closing ancient tickets with no activity this year; assume fixed or too trivial etc.

If this issue is still relevant in current dev build, please create a new ticket referencing this one and request for it to be re-opened.