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Cant join any games...
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Just recently (Saturday, March 16, 2013) I have been having an issue with playing ArmA 3 Alpha on my laptop, which is above the required specs and runs off of Win 8. The problem I been running into is when i start ArmA 3 everything is fine and runs great but the second I connect to a online server i get red chain and loose connection. I noticed that Win 8 is not in the requirements list and also is not in the "Select Profile" for an issue. If Win 8 is the problem I am unsure why I was able to play on this laptop earlier (Alpha release) but not now. I have tried Dev. settings and same problem.


Legacy ID
Not A Bug
Additional Information

TL;DR Running ArmA 3 Alpha off Steam on a Win 8 OS. Keep getting red chained and disconnection on entering a server. Tried Dev settings no change.

Event Timeline

RYM4N edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 17 2013, 7:13 PM
RYM4N edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
RYM4N set Category to Performance.
RYM4N set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
RYM4N set Severity to Minor.
RYM4N set Resolution to Not A Bug.
RYM4N set Legacy ID to 3197798541.May 7 2016, 12:49 PM
RYM4N added a subscriber: RYM4N.

Fixed it. I think it might have been a driver. last night i sat down and re-did all the drives and now it is working fine. not sure what driver it was since i did them all and then booted game.

Issue seems fixed. Closing.