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"E" Key seems ghost bound
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I tried to bind the "Q" and "E" keys to be my rudder control on copter butt the "E" key just wants to roll the copter forward, I have looked at all the key binds and can't find anyone that are bound to "E".


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

#1 fly heli
#2 Check keybinds for helicopters
#3 press "E" while its unbound in Heli Keybinds
#4 try to pull out of sudden lunge forward the "E" key put you in.

Event Timeline

PenguinInATuxedo edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
PenguinInATuxedo set Category to Controls.
PenguinInATuxedo set Reproducibility to Always.
PenguinInATuxedo set Severity to Trivial.
PenguinInATuxedo set Resolution to Duplicate.
PenguinInATuxedo set Legacy ID to 2365977887.May 7 2016, 12:34 PM

I have found the source of the problem and a fix to it. The problem is that 'e' is set as the key-binding for helicopter fast forward, but this can't be found in the control menu at the moment. BIS please either remove 'e' as the default binding or add it to the control menu.

To fix:

  1. Go to C:\Users\Yourname\Documents\Arma 3 Alpha - Other Profiles\YourProfileName and open the file called YourProfileName.Arma3AlphaProfile with notepad (Double click the file and choose 'select a program from the list' Then choose a word processor like notepad)
  2. Press Control+F or scroll and find the line keyHeliFastForward[]={18};
  3. Delete the '18' part or replace the line with this: keyHeliFastForward[]={};
  4. Save file
  5. Fly helicopters as normal!

Duplicate of #0002307.